Monday, August 30, 2004

So I went to Daley's fire pit thing tonight and that was fun. I even took some pictures that if I weren't so lazy, I would post them on here. Don't worry... I wouldn't post those scary ones of Daley without asking.

I also got my hair trimmed today and now it feels much lighter.

I'm also less scared of moving now that I have the cell number of the girl I am moving in with. What scares me more is that I will have no one to help me with my boxes and such. I have Rachel conditionally booked... I am hoping that doesn't fall through.

Anyhow... I should get to bed.

The next time I write on here will probably be from the comfort of my new home in Edmonton :)

State: Excited/still sickish
Song: Wild Horses- Daniel Letterle
I had all ths stuff I wanted to write when I was high on cold medication, but now I can't remember any of it. I'm sure it will eventually come to me. Although it won't be as eloquent as I had it in my head. Anyhow... that will be for later. I'm too busy right now.

I'm feeling better though. I guess that is all that really counts.

State: feeling better
Song: Century Plant- The Company of Camp
Book: A Year in Provence- Peter Mayle

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Kill me now. I feel like I have been run over by a truck. aka- I feel like I am getting sick.

P.S- Anyone want to help me move on Wednesday?

State: bleh
Song: Only Hope- Switchfoot
Book: I just finished Life of Pi by: Yann Martel and I am back to reading A Year In Provence.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Okay... so this may be very lame and very shallow of me but... haha I've fallen in love with diving. Okay... so I have been watching the Olympics- and last night I caught a glimse of the canadian diver- Alexandre Despatie. Not only is he really hot- but he can dive too. He is first now going into the finals... and yeah.
Here is a picture so you can see him too:

Anyhow... I have to go get ready for work. For more Alex go to hiswebsite.

Go Alex!!!

Monday, August 23, 2004

I'm not sure what I was going to write.... but I was going to write something. I think I like this new blogger toolbar thing better than the ad... I had to change my template a little so that it would actually look cool.

I had more important things to talk about but apparently I have no attention span. All I know is that I am confused. They really shouldn't let people like me make decisions. Really.

I do believe in free choice. Because if there wasn't free choice, I would never have to make choices. I HATE making choices. Stupid deciding what I want to do with my life.

State: At a fork in the road (one I have managed to avoid for 4 months)
Song: Frustration- Glenna

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I am determined to try a new sport/do something active during this soming school year. During my days off, I have realized how amazing I feel when I am active and that I really don't want to feel like I did last school year: somewhat blob-like from sitting on my ass studying all the time. I think I will try and get registrered into a yoga class or something like that.

Or maybe I'll take up swiming again. But that looks somewhat less likely as the times that the club meets at kind of conflict with my schedule. I could try and start swimming again on my own, but I findit so much easier to do within a club with coaches and such. When I try and go myself, I have to go during rec swim where the people aren't there to seriously swim and swim way to slow or swim way to fast. Or I push myself too hard, wanting to swim like I did when I was in good shape and end up being really sore the next day. So yeah... many possibilities in my quest to stay active during the school year. All possibilities cannot take up much time either. But yeah...

I found a beaker washing job, part-time in a genetics lab at the university. I think I am going to apply. It is part-time and pays 10$/hr. for 10 hours a week. I could sure use that kind of money. And hey I've always wanted to beaker wash.

Anyhow I'm going to bed now- good night :)

Monday, August 16, 2004

On thinking...

I have so many thoughts running thought my head. Getting together with old friends tends to get me into this nostalgic/thinking/philosophical mode. yesterday was Ricki's wedding and it was beautiful and also made me feel old. When friends start having babies and getting married you start feeling the years creep up on you.

I started thinking about high school (seeing old high school friends does this) and everthing we all went through. I'm always amazed that no matter what obstacles I have faced since high school, no matter how low I have felt in the past year- nothing can compare to how I felt in Grade 11. I started thinking about where I am in my life. I'm so much happier now, most of the time at least. Half the time can't even remember how horrible Grade 11 was, because I seemed to have blocked most of the memories out of my mind, a form of protection I guess. the only place all of the memories life on are in my journals, as biased of an account that they may be.

Then I got to thinking of where I am right now. I'm going into my 3rd year of a genetics degree that half the time I am positive I will go on to be a genetic counsellor with and the other half of the time I see myself doing something else. I'm not sure what else- but definately helping people in some way. That is actually the only think I do know about what I want to do with my life. I relaly want to help people. That seems to be the only unifying thought in my mind. I don't think I want to end up in the lab as much as I like lab work sometimes.

Then I started thinking about what I would do immediately upon graduating, if I couldn't get a job in my field. Plan 1 includes getting a job as a flight attendant to help pay off my student loans. And plan 2, is to try and get a job as one of those counsellors that help university students pick their courses.

And for the grand finale- I really started thinking philosophy. I mean - I started to ask myself- Do I believe in destiny? Sometimes I think I do. Then I was thinking- is it possible to believe in destiny and in free choice? I mean if everything in destined then no choice is ever really free? I either believe in destiny or reincarnation. I think what I beleive is more reincarnation. Some people you meet, and you feel very confortable with them almost immediately- like you've known them before in another life. I know it sounds weird, but I swear that there are people in my life that are like that. The first time I met them I felt immediately at ease to tell them everything. On the same wavelenght of thought, I was also thinking about how I found it much easier to bear my soul to people when I was a teenager. Perhaps it was because of my very intact teenage invincibilty complex thinking I wouldn't get hurt and getting hurt. Maybe now that I am older, I am more guarded because now I know how it all feels... I don't know. I relaly wish I was less tired. I think I would write more if I wasn't...

In other less important news....
The quest for the lemon juicer is over. My mom bought me one at Zellers for 2$. Or something life that.

Anyhow I am going to head off to bed. Goodnight!

State: Exhausted but pensive...
Book: A year in Provence- Peter Mayle

Monday, August 09, 2004

Another place to live has been found. I am all jittery as I just finished drinking not very much homemade iced tea. Boy was it good.

Anyhow.. off to bed for me.

More updates later. I will tell more of the quest to find a place to live and all the dungeons I visited along the way. And my second quest to find a lemon juicer.

State: Wired (stupid caffeine)