Well after a wonderful five days with my friends in Victoria it is hard not to be bummed out. Really hard.
I spent the day doing biochemistry homework and I am hoping that some of the information when in because I really, really need to pass the midterm. Sigh... I wish I weren't so bummed out- then I might feel like doing homework more. But alas it is not so...
Maybe I should start by talking about my wonderful five days and maybe that will make me feel better. We can always hope. Okay- well Friday involved some visiting and watching half of a movie I fell asleep during so naturally I don't remember the name of the movie. We were awoken bright and early by Rachel and Craig... (7:00 am or something ridiculus like that) and that saturday morning was spent eating and lounging waiting to go hiking. Around 1 pm we headed out to our hike down to mystic beach. It was gorgeous but unfourtunately the sun sets early during the winter and we headed back home. Cornflake chicken was eaten and then we headed out for a night of dancing.
Sunday- we awoke early once again so that we could go kayaking. we spend a beatiful sunny afternoon on the ocean kayaking from Oak Bay to Cordova Bay. That night was spent making pasta- which for the most part turned out pretty good. A movie was possibly watched that night as well.... i can't remember.
Monday- finally we sleep in... had a late breakfast and then went for lunch at La Fiesta and shopping downtown. It was quite fun. I believe monday was roast night and also the night we watched the matrix. I slept through that as well. That was also the night I stuck my tongue out in my sleep... or whatever you might call what I did to Roy and Jane.
Tuesday - another glorious sleepin day... spent most of the day lounging around and I tried to get Rachel to love biology. I'm not sure if I suceeded, but I can always hope. Went out for supper at earls that night and we watched Legally Blond 2 that night and Pirates of the Carribean. I slept through most of pirates... although I do love that movie. My last night sleeping with Roy- and wednesday was also spent lounging and eating insane amounts of pancakes and hotdogs :)
and then I travelled back to my hovel... and cried :(
So that was my weekend. Hopefully my spirits brighten before too long because I'm not sure I can stand this state for much longer.
This weekend, I guess it just made me realize how much I value my friends. And how much I really do miss them. sigh... well I should go do some homework...or eat or do something...
Until next time...