Devonshire cream has to be the most sinful and most amazing thing I have ever tasted lately. For those of you that don't know what this most delectable treat is I will have to enlighten you. It is whipped cream mixed with cream cheese. I thought I was forever in love with cream cheese icing until I found out about Devonshire cream. It tastes amazing on the scones that our pastry chef Jean makes. But I can think of many other thing this would taste amazing on... for example on angel food cake with strawberrys instead of normal whipped cream. I am going to have to find the recipe for this, although I am pretty sure work would give it to me. It isn't like it is some closely garded trade secret.
Well... since I am done yamming on and on about Devonshire Cream... I've been doing good lately. Besides having a crisis/revelation that I will never be happy couped up in a lab everything is just fine. It is funny, because it doesn't even bother me that I don't want to do lab work, after all this time and effort trying to get lab experience so that I could get said lab jobs. I feel like I am getting closer and closer to finding something I really want to do. Want that is- I'm not sure. But one thing is for sure. I HAVE TO WORK WITH PEOPLE. After spending years thinking I don't like working with people, I have discovered that I actually really enjoy it. more than enjoy it- I LOVE it.
Now I just need to find the right career involving people and everything will be good. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Anyhow... I should sleep. Big day in the lab tomorrow. Woot!