I have just come home from one of the best weddings I have been to in awhile. It was my roommate Nicky's wedding and she did an awesome job with it. I think what I liked most about it- was that all of our tables were named after famous scientists and she didn't sit people with people they knew- so we were forced to get to know other people. She arranged the tables so that you would have things in common with that table. Our table got along fabulously. It started out pretty formal (you know the typical questions- what are you studying etc. ) and by the end of dinner we started taking all of the chocolate boxes and reconstructing famous monuments, starting with Stonehenge. After we ran out of famous places to reconstruct, we moved on to playing dominoes with the boxes. That was fun and got a little rowdy. So much so, that we started to attract a crowd. Then people started to bring us their empty chocolate boxes and the dominoes games became more elaborate.
The dance was pretty fun too. I think we probably would have stayed later if Nicky's mother wasn't forcing her to stay until everyone was gone. So we wanted to help her out by leaving.
Anyhow... I should be off to bed. This is the first weekend I have had off in awhile and I am going to Elk Island National Park tomorrow. I'm kind of excited to get out of the city- it should be fun!