Sunday, January 18, 2004

Seeing as I haven't done any real posting for awhile I think I'll do one now. I think I can still justify not doing homework right now.

I think I'll start with the pictures of my places and work into the more boring um I mean equally exciting world of school.

Okay so this first picture is of my bed where I do most of my sleeping. Sometimes the bed is used for doing other things such as reading for classes but generally I try and stay away from that as it usually result in me sleeping on the textbook. Sometimes people come in and sit on my bed and talk to me, so I guess you could say that it is a pseudo-couch. I really just wanted to use the work "pseudo".Okay enough about my bed.

This next picture is my desk. I'd like to say that I do a lot of studying here, but I really don't. The only time I got a lot of studying done on that desk was during final exams and frankly I think the desk is tired. I eat breakfast there and do my computer stuff, print off notes for classes and do assignment there but real studying gets done else where. In fact, I don' t think I've studied at this desk all weekend. Man, I'm getting myself far behind. It is so funny how one resolves not to procrastinate during final exams and then that all goes to shit once the new term starts.

The four above pictures are of our living room. Nothing too exciting, very funtional. I mean when you have a big screened tv and numerous DVD's what more could you want?

Okay, this is basically our kitchen. It isn't much but it certainly does the job. I mean our stove works, we have running water and a decent sized fridge. We spend quite a bit of time in here. Sometimes I do homework on the table. For the longest time we only had one kitchen chair. That was quite annoying, but I quickly changed that when I came home from thanksgiving with a chair.

These three pictures are from the area around my house. The first on is of the house behind or in front of ours depending on the direction you come from. The second one is the house on the corner near my house. I walk by it if I ever take the bus to school. The third is a picture of University Ave. Sometimes I walk down this street to go to school. It is much prettier than the main road and I like to look at the houses.

This is the Whyte ave. Before the end of exams last term I had been inside relatively few of the shops that line this street. Mostly, Daley and I just walk up and down and go into Chapters. I mean there isn't much to do here in Edmonton. Really... other than drinking, watching movies and walking there isn't much to do.

So that is about it. This really isn't that exciting of a post but I guess I'll give some recent happening. This weekend has gone by so fast. Really. It feels like yesterday that it was Friday. I had fun on Friday. I have to admit I was very antisocial, but I guess I didn't feel like meeting people and being all fake nice and such. Especially when the people are so drunk they probably won't remember me. It's just not worth the effort. I was entertained by Daley... I'm not sure if he was drunk or not, but he was funny. Or maybe that is just because I was drinking... hmm I don't know. We went to BP's and ordered some food and that was good. Then I came home and watched the end of Dirty Dancing with Lindsay. They we talked for awhile and I went to bed at 3:00 am.

Saturday was rather uneventful. I had no desire to do anything and thus did practically nothing. I hate that. Lindsay's friend Daynika came and I cooked them dinner. It was quite good. Today we went to the Sugarbowl for Brunch and it was good as always.

I have once again done practically no homework. I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow as I am going to school early to meet my group for Ecology. yuck. I'm going to a potluck tonight and that should be fun.

I had a whole bunch of thoughts about how I am feeling and such right now, but this post is already really long and I talk about it later. I'm too tired now.

State: Tired, motivationless, among other feelings
Song: Shut up!- Black Eyed Peas

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