Sunday, February 08, 2004

Okay so my post for tonight... I didn't get much done this weekend and that sucks a lot. Especially because other than theater sports, i didn't really do anything fun. And both Lindsay and I are in the most HORRIBLE PMS-y moods ever, and really I don't think most people would want to be around us right now.

I've honestly not felt this crappy due to PMS in awhile. It's almost frightening how all consuming it is. I broke down into tears earlier for no reason. And for some reason taking some silly quiz on geekyness made me feel better.

I've been listening to four songs on repeat for the past few hours. At first they made me sad, but now they are almost comforting and I don't want to turn it off. But I should... and go to bed.

State: Still in this major PMS rut...
Songs: Deliver Me- Sarah Brightman, Globes and Maps- Something Corporate, Sick Cycle Carousel- Lifehouse, and Prayer of St Francis- Sarah McLaughlan

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