It took an hour for us to actually get the U-haul. Then we spent the rest of the 28th packing my apartment and loading it into the truck. By the time we had finished cleaning my place I was almost passing out with exhaustion. I gave my keys to my landlords and we got a hotel to sleep in for the night.
We left early the next morning- a foggy dreary day. My car had been acting up a bit but we chose to ignore it (bad move) and keep going. We followed some very slow moving vehicles heading to some middle of nowhere oil field for a bit and tired not to fall asleep.
My car died in Killam so we figured it was the battery and put a new one in. (Again, bad move). By the time I reached Sherwood Park I was driving in erie silence. I knew that as soon as I reached a stop light I was screwed and that the car was going to die again. And so it did. So my mom picked me up in the moving truck, and we drove to Canadian Tire. The Canadian Tire guys gave me a number to call for the pick-up truck and I beat the police to calling him by about 5 minutes. So we left the car at Canadian Tire to be fixed and proceeded to my new place to unload. At this point neither my mom nor I really wanted to unpack and we snapped at each other a few times and I cried. All and all... not a cool time.
We got everything unpacked and headed to Pharos for Lasagne. While there, I received a call from the Canadian Tire mechanic telling my that my alternator needed to be replaced (and that turns out to be pretty expensive). When we got back we set up our sleeping places (I got my mattress, my mom took my box spring) and we went to sleep. Best sleep I had in a longtime.
My mom went home the next day (the 30th) and I picked up my car. I proceeded to start the enormous job that will be unpacking and went to bed at around midnight. the next day, i got up and 8:30 to clean up the mess I made a bit before having to leave for Innisfail to ring in the New Year!

It was so nice to see Ryan. It feels like forever since I had seen him. I felt bad that his Christmas gift wasn't ready for him when I saw him. He got me mittens with idiot strings and the beautiful necklace pictured right.
We hung out and played some Settlers of Catan (with the Knights and Cities expansion pack) and ate some appetizer that Ryan's mom made (so good!). After, we went over to one of Ryan's friend's houses in Red Deer which was fun. We left early so that we could beat the crazies home and rang in the new year on the road. We watched The Brothers' Grimm when we got home (or rather Ryan watched it, I fell asleep on him). He said it wasn't that great though, so I didn't miss much apparently.
So that was my New Year's. It was nice, rather tame but nice. I'm not much into the wild party New Year's, nor have I ever been. All the best to everyone in the New Year.
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