Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hmm... so here is the question of the night: Why is Lisa NOT stressed out about school? The only thing I can think that it might be is that I have NO LABS and therefore NO ASSIGNMENTS. This means I actually have TIME to do my homework. It is an amazing thing really. I have TIME to keep up with my readings. And because I am not spending all my time in the lab I have time to study for my midterms. Crazy this time thing. Most of the time I feel like I still don't have enough though. I still put off stuff in my classes. For all I know, I am doing really crappy right now in school...

Anyhow... enough about that. I had a fun day today. I wrote a Biol 201 midterm (cell biology) - I hesitate to say it was easy- because I am not sure on how I did... but I think it went okay. And then after- I went to the mall with Aja and Sarah (red haired one for those of you who know who I am talking about). I bought some kick ass jeans... then we went to Jill's dinner party. That was AWESOME!!! I am so full though... great food and tons of it. But we seemed to have a thing for dips... lol.

Anyhow... I can't believe what a change it is from last year. I actually like my courses this year. Like last year- I couldn't believe how much better 2nd classes were from 3rd year classes. And those weren't even that good. I mean I hated biochem with a passion. And this year the only course I'm not super keen on is cell bio... but that is because I have taken most of the stuff before in my other classes. Learning about cell membranes and how phosphlipids are synthesized is good like maybe once.... but 3 times over... it gets a little dry.

So I guess I'll go read my journal article I have to read for tomorrow...


State: happy
Song: Wild Horses

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