Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Since the theme of this semester has been PROCRASTINATION... I figured I should write in my blog before studying for my genetics midterm.

Biggest pet peeve for the day: people who don't care to listen. I know I have been guilty of this too, especially when I am deep in concentration about other things or I am doing something that requires deep concentration, but I usually ask the person to repeat themselves because I do care what they are saying. I'm talking about when you are having a conversation with a group of people, and as soon as you start talking it seems like everyone kind of stops listening and then the conversation moves on as if you never said anything. I'm sure I've done it too, and if I have done it to anyone that reads this, I am truly sorry, because I do really hate it. I also hate that I could be guilty of such a thing. I think the only solution, in my case, is to spend less time with these types of people and be conscious enough not to do it myself.

I had a horrible sleep last night. Horrible. I think I maybe slept for 4 hours. I had weird dreams about my lab and missing safewalk because I was at a play and they made me take my shoes off and the play was horrible and we wanted to leave during intermission, but they would give us back our shoes. I just made myself two Chai lattes. They were both really good. But I noticed that I have to use two tea bags of my crappy tetley Chai tea to get it to taste the same as the wonderful loose Chai I bought at Steeps. Their Chai is amazing...

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