Sunday, August 22, 2004

I am determined to try a new sport/do something active during this soming school year. During my days off, I have realized how amazing I feel when I am active and that I really don't want to feel like I did last school year: somewhat blob-like from sitting on my ass studying all the time. I think I will try and get registrered into a yoga class or something like that.

Or maybe I'll take up swiming again. But that looks somewhat less likely as the times that the club meets at kind of conflict with my schedule. I could try and start swimming again on my own, but I findit so much easier to do within a club with coaches and such. When I try and go myself, I have to go during rec swim where the people aren't there to seriously swim and swim way to slow or swim way to fast. Or I push myself too hard, wanting to swim like I did when I was in good shape and end up being really sore the next day. So yeah... many possibilities in my quest to stay active during the school year. All possibilities cannot take up much time either. But yeah...

I found a beaker washing job, part-time in a genetics lab at the university. I think I am going to apply. It is part-time and pays 10$/hr. for 10 hours a week. I could sure use that kind of money. And hey I've always wanted to beaker wash.

Anyhow I'm going to bed now- good night :)

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