Friday, December 31, 2004

Although I have been referring to Christmas Eve as being New Year's eve for the past few days, it is finally actually New Year's eve. As far as I am concerned, yesterday was more like New Year's Eve than today. I guess it just felt that way with the gathering and all.I'm just not sure anything I do today will top yesterday, and I am fine with that.

Yesterday was really fun. We played this game called Mafia, and that was quite entertaining. But I am a horrible liar, so that doesn't work too well when trying to be one of the Mafia. But what was really funny, is no one believed me when I wasn't lying. I was just plain horrible at the game but it was still amusing.It was really nice to have everyone together before we all (well some of us at least) return to school. I stilll have another week here though, which should be nice and relaxing.

Today, I went over to Craig's house for Waffles with Rachel. That was really nice. Craig's little sister is getting so big, but I guess that is the nature of growing up.

I'm going out for supper with my mom tonight, and then I don't know what. Whatever I do though, I am not going to let myself get down about not doing certain things. Not like last year. I think that is why I often don't have as much fun as I should on New Year's Eve. Too much hype and too many expectations for it to be an amazing night. In my experience, the best times I have ever had have never been expected. So tonight is my night of no expectations.

Anyhow, whatever everyone is doing tonight- have a great time! Happy New Year Everyone!

State: Content-

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Wow.... two days of fun in a row. But they say good things come in threes so hopefully that means tomorrow is going to be just as fun.

Yesterday, I spent the day with Daley. We did a variety of things, starting with skating, then some chatting,then some getting together with Rachel for some of Rachel's own Frisbee golf (which was played at Bowness Park with one Frisbee and two boomaragans) and finally ending by roasting our feet by the fire while drinking marshmallowy hot chocolate.

Today, I didn't do much until Micki invited me out to Ladies night with her and her friend Mel. I was a little skeptical, but decided I only live once. Also, my mom told me that you haven't lived until you've gone to ladies night so I figured, I might as well. It turned out to be a lot of fun. We started at cowboys, to watch the strippers. Now don't get any ideas in your head... you don't see anything more than most of us have seen at a swimming pool. Actually to tell you the truth, being in swim club and seeing the boys in their speedos you see more than you see with the strippers. Anyhow, it is more amusing to see the guys routines. Their dances were really funny. Once the entertainment was over, Cowboys started playing crappy music, so we headed over to The Mynt. What a swanky night club! I'm glad I was over dressed for Cowboys, otherwise I would have been under dressed for The Mynt. So we danced there for quite awhile, but then the music started to get badish (bad early 90's rap) and 18 year old guys that looked about 15 started to hit on us and could take a hint when we all shook our head after the DJ asked "Who's getting laid tonight?" So we decided to head out... Anyhow, since this is already long enough I'll just end with saying it was the most fun I have had in a long time dancing. But my ears are also ringing like I have just gotten back from a concert...

So, tomorrow(aka today) is the pre- New Years, gathering... I'm excited to see everyone :)Okay... bed time

Anyhow...I need to sleep. Goodnight everyone!

State: my ears are ringing
Song: Random Dance Songs...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Today was a good day. First, I got together with Jane in the "morning" which when Jane says it means, "I'll call you around 11 am and we'll get together in the afternoon." Except I called her- but we did get together in the afternoon. We were on a quest you see. To fetch our presents from Lindsay's Mom's house. We retrieved our presents and and went back to Jane's for a loverly lunch prepared by Jane's mom. Mmm does she ever make good food :)

Then we phoned Rachel, and very spontaneously decided to go see Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. It was excellent and I would highly recommend it to everyone.

As Timmy's was closed (I mean it is christmas eve), we came back to my place and chatted over cups of tea and hot chocolate. It was nice. Nice to relax and not think about school. We also talked about how girls and guys often misinterpret each other. That was a pretty interesting conversation. I think all of us have had mixed messages at some point. Jane and Jim needed to be back for dinner so they left and took Rachel home.

After they were gone, I watched Whale Rider. It was good, but made me cry. But the DVD stopped working right at the climax of the movie, which was kinda annoying. We had to skip a couple of chapters to see the end. So maybe Rogers will give us a free rental or something...probably not but we can always hope.

Hopefully everyone has a great christmas day!

State: Great...
Music:Internet Radio Station found on Live 365 Mansion On the Hill (that's the name of the station)

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Okay... wanted to post a couple of days ago when I first got into Edmonton but I didn't. So I guess I get to post now.

I got my hair cut and dyed tonight. It is a lot blonder than I thought it would be. I guess now I will fit into my house of blondies, although that isn't really what I was going for.

I passed my physiology exam. All this proves is that with a little bit of luck and knowledge, and some good guessing skills someone that doesn't know much can do well on a multiple choice exam. And while I am very happy with my mark, I realize the flaw in the system. I mean some people that actually know more than me might have done worse because of the genre of exam, where I know that if I had written a short or long answer exam I wouldn't have done as well, mainly because I didn't know enough to do well on that type of exam. The system tests whether one is good at multiple choice tests and often not what someone knows, and I think that is bad.But I guess there are no ideal tests. I mean multiple choice are hard to write, but easy to mark and short/long/essay question type exams are easier to write and harder to mark, but actually might test more. Personally, I think problem solving exams tests are the best. But those are hard to write too... Why do I think they are better? Because, if you happen to forget a detail but UNDERSTAND the material enough to apply it, you will still get part marks. I love that. My friend and I had a theory- that the more you know the worse you are at multiple choice, so less is often more. Which is sad. Anyhow... I've done my random run-on paragraph where I ramble about multiple choice exams now.

So.... what else do I have to talk about? I'm not sure. Oh- I'm blond now. I didn't mean to go this blond, but it happened. I have been told it looks good... so I think I'll just go with it. Woah- I talked about that before I rambled about multiple choice exams. I'm tired, I think I am going to head off to bed.

State: Grrrreat!

Update: So as Daley has pointed out, it is supposed to say Calgary... I think the blond might be going to my head ;)(j/k)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Just browsing the BBC and found this.

I thought it was cool... probably because I've been studying green fluorescent proteins and their many uses.

Okay... so this is a bit of a random post.
It's all over. Sigh... so happy!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Perhaps I will write more later!

State: relieved
Song: Someday We'll Know

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Procrastination is me.

So I found this link on Jeanine's blog for Origami Boulders. It may not be a joke, but I still find it funny...I love the first sentance of the site: "YOU BUY WADDED UP PAPER NOW!!!!" Classic.

I also did a quiz. Here were the results...

What eating utensil are you?


You are truly the king of all eating utensils.Although you aren't nearly as popular as the traditional utensils known as forks and spoons, you are more versatile. You are rounded like a spoon, allowing one to scoop liquids and soft foods, and at the same time feature tines at the end like a fork, allowing one to stab harder, more solid foods. Perhaps one day you will replace forks and spoons altogether.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

And I also checked out a website found on Craig's site... The Brick Testament.
Someone had a lot of time on their hands.

Okay... back to work. Really.
3 down, 2 to go.

I'm starting to lose my will to keep studying. But I will force myself. Otherwise I won't do well on these next two. And I know if I study, I can do well on the next two.

Sigh... nothing interesting to talk about.

All study and no play makes Lisa a dull girl.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Woah... genetics really is hard. I didn't know the meaning of hard before now. My brain hurts more than it has ever hurt previously. Genetics is as hard as biochem because at time it really just is biochem "in-disguise" with the word -ome tacked on the end for good measure.

So I hate biochem and I am essentially getting a degree in it. You see genetics doesn't exist. And neither does biochem really....

Fuck... I wish I could think of something other than SCIENCE OR GENETICS FOR AN HOUR OR EVEN A MINUTE... but they won't let me.

Woah I am starting to sound crazy so maybe I should stop. Yes stopping good. sleep good. goodnight.

State: incoherent

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ah... I can feel the characteristic I'll crammed for exams headache setting in. The one that tells me that it is indeed time to sleep on all of that information so that it is ready for retrieval the next day...

Right now, I can honestly say this: I FUCKING HATE GENETICS!

Pardon the language.

I realized studying today, that this degree is a means to an end. I want to do genetics, not to introduce stupid genes into places they shouldn't be. But to help people... diagnostics. Stuff like that. I am really hoping that the prof that I am looking into working for takes students because what he is working on is exactly what I could see myself doing with the degree.... click here

Anyhow... time for me to sleep.

State: Brain= Mush
I'm so glad Sarah and possibly Andrew are coming over to study genetics with me. Otherwise I'm not sure I could go on... my brain is started to rebel. To question my motives. To ask WHY, Lisa, WHY?

And I am starting to feel sick due to lack of knowing anything in certain subjects...

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 3, 2, 1. Ah much better.

State: Slightly Panicked
Song: Random iTunes
One more day. One more full day of studying before the hell that will be the next four days commences. Am I ready? I'm pretty sure I'm not. But I will get through it.

On that note, I am going to go study some simple genomes. I am determined to finish round 1 of that stupid course today and I am sooo close. Only 7 concepts away. Too bad it is hard and it will probably take me awhile to do those 7 concepts.

State: Sick of studying... but must keep going
Song: Random classical

Monday, December 13, 2004

So the 10% rule does work... interesting.

State: Happy/OMG too much genetics!
Song: Random Radio
So today I was thinking about what I like about the week before exams. And you are probably thinking- what could someone like about the week leading up to exams? I mean, it is stressful, and all you do is, eat sleep and study? What can be so great about that?

As I ate some of the massive bean salad I made, I was thinking that one of the things I love most about the week before exams is the food I eat. I mean- rarely do I get to eat three meals at home during the school year. So you know what exams means? Hot food at lunch!!! And easy yet delicious food like tuna melts, pork and mushroom sauce with rice and vegetables, bean salad with veggie burgers... fruit, salads. Mmmm my mouth is watering as I write this. And I wonder why I gain 5 pounds during exam week... I am literally spending all my time eating sleeping and studying.

So really I had nothing else to write about... and really the only thing I think about other than school is eating... ah the basic needs. The only thing studying stops for...

State: sleepy
Song: Jack Johnson- Brushfire Fairytales

Friday, December 10, 2004

I wanted to post earlier, but blogger wasn't letting me. Sheesh... I've realised that I can be highly focused on something when I want to be. It is really too bad that the focus doesn't last for longer. Like today for example, I haven't had even the tiniest little bit of desire to go on MSN. And I actually know what is going on in Dr. Bad's class and realize that as long as I do a really good job studying for my simple genomes class there is enough overlap between the two classes that I should be able to make it work.

Just now, I went to see if my Cell Biology mark was up yet and it wasn't. So I was clicking through Dr. Harrington's list of web links and I found this website that does "Protein of the Month" features. From what I can tell, December's protein is Ubiquitin. A pretty cool protein... lol How geeky am I?

Anyhow... I should get back to work. As fun as this little break was :)

State: Pretty good
Song: Random Internet Radio I found at Live365

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I finished the EVIL THING that was a grant proposal. And Dr. Bad wanted to give us an exam that consisted of him giving us a question and us writing a GRANT PROPOSAL! And the class gave a resounding NOOOOO! You know what that would involve?!?!?!?!??!

I'd have to spend the next 6 precious days researching and memorizing a 5(but with the modified margins) 8 page paper and writing it. SO HARD!

Anyhow... last night, I safewalked until 9:30... watch TV for like an hour with my roommates who were baked. I really wasn't in much of a better state yesterday. I mean, I was sleep-drunken all day! I don't even remember what went on in my classes yesterday... It's so bad! The whole day is like it never happened.

I am really frustrated with the program I am in. Especially, principles of gene manipulation. That has to be the CRAPPIEST most useless waste of my time course. I don't know... I want to change the way they structure classes. I don't even know where I would start to do something like that. Someone would probably tell me to become a teacher. Because then you could change it from the inside out. I don't know... listen to me yammering...

Anyhow... I need to go make my study schedule.

State: Much more rested!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

What the fuck was I thinking leaving this until the NIGHT BEFORE?!?!?!?!?

Obviously, I wasn't thinking. It will be a MIRACLE if I actually pull this off and get a decent mark. A MIRACLE!

Off to second cup to purchase caffeine. It's going to be a long night.

Ignore this post!


Sunday, December 05, 2004

So... this weekend was pretty good. Friday, I went out with Aja to her Water Polo fundraiser party. That was lots of fun...

Saturday, I was mad at myself because I hardly did anything. I actually got pretty upset at myself. Grr... And that night I had some weird/scary nightmare that I was in a bus that decided it was going to run the yellow light, but the car in front, a red convertable with its top down, decided it was going to stop and the bus basically just plowed right into it sending it into traffic to the left of it. It was horrible... the sounds *shudders*, I hope I never hear anything like it in real life!

Today was highly productive. I got up at 8:30 am... finished my laundry,shovelled snow, ate breakfast and ate lunch. Spent from 11:30 to 3:30 at Second Cup working on my Grant proposal and finishing up my study notes for cell biology. Went to the gym from 4:00 until 5:30. Ate supper and then I wrote my intro for my grant proposal. 1 page down, 4 to go...

I was pretty happy today. Something about the snow put me in a good mood and I don't know why. Probably because some sick, canadian part of me really loves winter. I'm not a big christmas music fan, but it was kind of nice to study to it today in Second Cup. It reminded me that once I make in through exams I'm going home for a bit. And that is exciting.

My roommate Lindsay from last year sent me an article called: "A Great Place to Leave" about how some guy from Edmonton has moved to Victoria and likes it there better than he liked it here. Now some other guy wrote back and said that he likes living in Calgary better than living in Victoria and that one was called: Why I left the Coast(once you are there you'll have to click on Opinions.It probably won't be there long as it is from December 1st and the website doesn't seem to archive). You'll notice that the rebuttal is sent from someone living in Calgary... and really doesn't say much about Edmonton being a great place. On that note, I can't wait to get back to Calgary. I guess the two things I like most about Edmonton are 1) the University and 2) the People I have met here. And pretty much other than that, the city really hasn't given me a lot to fall in love with. The University is pretty much its own city within a city where I have gotten to know many great people. Other than leaving those people behind when I am done, I won't miss Edmonton. So for me... Edmonton will always be : "A Great Place to Leave".

Well I should go to bed so I can get many quality hours of studying done tomorrow!

State: Happy I was so productive
Song: Random Christmas music

Thursday, December 02, 2004

So I guess I didn't post after page 6. Well, I am sure you can guess that the paper was finished and handed in on Wednesday. YAY! Except that I have another one due on the 8th. And for some reason, I am thinking that it will be easier. HA! More like WAAAAAAAY harder.

I really don't have much to say. I was going to tell some stupid story about how I really wanted cookies and I didn't think there were any in my cupboard and just as I was about to give up there was a GIANT box of digestive cookies or Maria cookies sitting back there all by themselves. They have been there since I moved in, but now that I have rediscovered them, I doubt they will last past exam week. Wow... I just did tell the stupid story about the cookies.

Oh... another story. Last night, at safewalk, my partner and I had an LRT walk. This means we take the LRT with the client and walk them to their house. So we did and it was all fine and dandy until we go to go back to school. We couldn't find Grandin station. It didn't help that it was dark, and it was the first time I had ever gotten off at Grandin. We found the parliament building, which actually looks quite pretty at night. Once we found ourselves on Jasper Ave. and 110 St. I was like... I know if we walk to 108 St we will hit Corona station- because I have been there countless times. So we walked to Corona and headed back to the school. It was funny because once we looked at a map we were practically right in front of Grandin and didn't see it.

anyhow... I am going to study physiology and finish what I said I would for cell biology. I'm just happy those two course are fairly interrelated right now.

State: Full from supper... which despite its simplicity was wonderful.
Song: Float on- Modest Mouse