I've been so distracted and yet so focused that the same time this past week. It's weird. I think that is why I haven't posted anything really groundbreaking or stellar. I have my mind on too much things at once. Or I am thinking about stuff that I would never discuss on here. Stuff that most people would probably shake their head at and be like, " Why would you want to know that." That's the thing about Genetics. Most people who continue on with it past the first class have this weird understanding of it, and no word of a lie it is definitely like learning a new language. I mean I take for granted ever day that I know what a hypermorph is or a neomorph.
This things sound almost sci-fi like when brought out of the context of the class. No wonder people are scared of geneticists. The thing is- there is so much we don't know. So much that we might never know. Biological systems are way more complicated than anyone ever imagined. And on that note, I should go study how DNA is repaired, which I used to hate studying and now I love it.
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