Friday, September 05, 2008

Long Time No Post...

Wow... It has certainly been awhile. That last post summed up most of what I went through for the past year. I agonized about what I was going to do with my life. Rated the pros and cons of each possible career choice and sometime in October 2007 I put in an application for Education and forgot about it, and continued my numb existence. Being numb isn't all bad. I can say now that it is better than being depressed and far worst than actually being happy. Also- with numbness blogging becomes almost impossible because you aren't feeling and I don't know about you, but I can't write without feeling. So I didn't write. I filled my time with anything to take my mind off the fact that I felt like I was in a stagnant pond, stuck in the mud, unable to move.

I plugged along at the job I hated, when in February- I got a letter saying I was accepted into the Faculty of Education- Major Biology, Minor chemistry. At this point I still wasn't sure this was something I wanted to do. I mean I resisted the idea with every fiber of my being since I could remember. I didn't want teaching to be my fall back plan. I wanted what I picked to be the plan all along. Life, unfortunately, does not work that way. I no longer desire to be a genetic counselor which was the original plan. The more I thought about teaching, the more it seemed like the right thing to do. That brings me to the end of April: my self imposed deadline for deciding. So I decided to take the plunge... and here I am today the night before day 3 of my second degree.

So far so good... I like my classes. I can't remember a time that I have liked all of my classes so this might be a first. I have high hopes for this decision... so hopefully it turns out better than my last.

In other, less important, fluffier news- I have recently become addicted (yes addicted) to the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I would like to compare her books to maybe cigarette smoking if you had no idea cigarette smoking was addictive and you picked them up because you thought they looked cool and kept doing it because it felt good. Sigh... that is what happened to me when I picked up Twilight. I had no idea how big the books were (or how addictive the series was) when I unsuspectingly picked up the first book at the airport. The back of the book made it sound corny- girl falls madly in love for vampire that thirsts for her blood but something about the pretty black book made me pick it up. I was past the point of no return about 10 minutes into the flight.

I have since read the whole series and I am in the process of re-reading the series. I can't wait until the movie comes out, although I'm sure it won't compare to the books at all. At least they got the casting of the leading man right. Robert Pattinson (Harry Potter fans might recognize him as Cedric Diggory) is perfect for the role I think, both in looks and in the way he is portraying the character. And the schoolgirl in me thinks he is dreamy... I better stop before I start gushing about Rob Pattinson the way Bella gushes about Edward in the book. I guess there are more harmful things I could be addicted too like cigarettes or heroin or worst crystal meth. It would also be better not to be addicted to anything at all. I'm going to have to work on that. That, and going to bed at a decent time.

Mood: Tired and Wired
Music: I'm On Fire- Paper Lions


Heather said...

Lisa's back! Yay!

Glad you found something to pull you out of your slump!

Lisa said...

Thanks for commenting! I don't know if anybody was reading anymore since I stopped so very long ago.