Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wordy Awful Wordiness

I am not the world's most eloquent writer. In fact, I am quite wordy myself. I need to work on this, because I really hate reading essays that are wordy and don't get to the point. The books I have to read for my classics class are THE wordiest pieces of writing that I have ever read. I usually have to read a sentence two or three times before I understand what the author is trying to say. I'm used to having to decipher complicated scientific theory out of maybe not the best writing in the world, but this is ridiculous. I had to read a sentence three times to figure out the author was trying to explain how a syllogistic argument worked. Not that his explanation made much sense. Further, the information in the footnote was more helpful than the actual text. I'd continue this rant longer, but I have to go to school.

Mood: Frustrated with Wordiness
Song: Girls on Crutches- Hawksley Workman

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