In other random news, there is a company out there that makes pendants out of your pet's DNA (or as I was thinking anyone's DNA)! I really want one. Although I would not get my pets DNA. I'd either get mine or someone special's. It comes with a chain that looks like a double helix. How cool is that?
For something completely different, I have been trying out mind mapping as a way as studying. I found an online mind mapping tool called MindMeister. It works pretty well for what it does. My only gripe would be that you can only create hierarchies from one node and cannot connect two different nodes (even if you connect the ideas in your head). It is not perfect, but makes mind mapping go so much faster.
My Twilight Saga obsession continues. I can't get enough of it! One of my favorite websites on the series is one that is a blog following the journey of a guy who decides to read the series just to see what all the fuss is about. He does a pretty good job of looking at the series from less of a fan girl perspec
One final point, change your language on Facebook to pirate english for a laugh. It pretty much brightened my day. I couldn't stop laughing. Well in the words of pirate Facebook- time to abandon ship, mateys! Arrrrrr...
Mood: Procrastinatory (I thought this might be one of my made up words, but alas it exists.)
Song: Oh You Delicate Heart- Hawksley Workman (Pretty much the only artist I've been listening to)
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