Monday, October 27, 2008

Stumble Upon

My friend was telling me about this website called Stumble Upon. and how she loved it so I thought I would give it a try. Turns out it is pretty much as addictive as Facebook Stalking was when I first got Facebook, and probably is something that I wouldn't get sick of as fast. How it works is you check some boxes with your interests, and click a button to stumble and off you go to websites that other people with your same interests liked. So far it has only brought me to one site I haven't liked. I really enjoyed this one on geeks. And this was a pretty good music site.

I've pretty much found yet another way to waste time on the interweb. Great.

State: Procrastinatory
Song: One-A- Illscarlett

1 comment:

Daley said...

"Welcome to the 1980s..."

StumbleUpon is fun for a while.