Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Okay- so it is going to be hard to put into words the anger I feel right now toward a particular course.

I think the best way to do this would be to tell a little story...

The Tale of Lisa and the Super Evil Microbiology Lab Exam

12:49 pm
So I'm sitting in my biochemistry class anxiously waiting for it to end. For once our biochem prof doesn't go overtime and my lab partner and I race off to our microbiology class.

12:55 pm
So we made it through the crowds of people who wanted to take their time getting to whatever classes they probably didn't have. And now I was sitting getting reading to write the lab exam which I had thoroughly prepared for. I got my two pencils and one pen out and prepared my mental calculator (as they don't let you use calculators in microbiology). As I read the exam instructions, I realize that the exam is more than half multiple choice, each question worth 3 marks each. I try and take some deep calming breathes and block the noise of 400 talking students from my mind.

1:01 pm
Just before I am handed my exam, I wish Lindsay good luck and she wishes me the same. Then I begin the horrible exam. I flip through it once to see how more stuff is on there. 18 multiple choice and 4 full legal sized pages of short answers. I tried not to panic. I took some deep breathes and began the multiple choice. That wasn't going so well so I skipped to the written. Inside my mind was saying, "FUCK!!" I kept shaking my head. This wasn't happening. I knew my stuff so well and they give me this piece of shit exam that ended up being harder than my midterm that most people almost failed. So I did the best I could on what I did know how to do and made up some crappy-ass answers which in classes like organic chem might have gotten me some marks but in my microbiology if it isn't worded the way the stupid fucking anal T.A.'s want - then you're screwed. Run-on sentence I know... but I'm mad and therefore feel entitled to some crappy grammar!

1:51 pm
I hand in my exam. Looking at it for five minutes more wasn't going to get me to remember stupid information that they shouldn't have even been testing us on. I guess anything is fair game... but this was just cruel.

2:01 pm
Lindsay and I curse a lot as we head toward SUB.

Lindsay said, "Fuck that shit!"
Lisa said, "So much for THAT bringing my mark up..."

I split a Wunderbar with Lindsay. Chocolate usually makes us feel better. We both wish our ceilings had been high enough for her to keep her punching bag.

2:20 pm
I head home... Lindsay goes and studies with Princess. I stop for groceries... ~sigh~

So that's my story... now I think I'll take my anger out on the house and give it a nice good clean. Along with my room that is. I need to remove all procrastination methods so that I can get some pure gold study time in tomorrow.

bye for now...
State: Infuriated... but the anger is slowly ebbing
Song: I feel so - Boxcar Racer

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