Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Yay! I got my biochem mark back and ended up with a B. This is good. So far my average is a steady 3.3 which is where I'd like it to be. I hope it either gets higher with my genetics mark and my psych mark or stays the same. That would rock.

Had an awesome time with Rachel and Jane today. It was great... we hung out and OD'ed on sugar and chocolate. Finally decided to go for a walk which is one of my favorite activities and then proceeded home to make dinner. Had a hot tub while we waited for our guests to arrive... and then we ate our wonderful feast.

Rachel had to go home so after she left we played cards with Jane's cousins. It was good fun. Introduced young Nat to the game of president and also played a very rowdy game of spoons. I love that game... highly addictive. So is president, but Jane and I were summoned to clean up our kitchen mess before we could really get hooked in.

Then she drove me and now I am here. I think now I should go to bed after my endlessly fun day.

State: Enjoying the holidays :)
Song: Possesion- Sarah McLaughlan

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