Tuesday, October 25, 2005

All good things must come to an end

It was fun while it lasted, but I'm heading home today to Brooks. The strike continues (although someone yesterday trying to tell me they had gone back to work), and the lastest news is the CFIA - the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is not crossing the picket line until they deem it safe to do so. (see news article here) Honestly, I don't blame them. The few times I crossed the picketline- not in the protection of the large van they brought us in last time- I was scared for my safety too. So we probably won't get any samples until they start working which means our 12 hour shift are going to go by really slow. Got to love essential services. The same thing would happen if we didn't cross the picket line. They could slaughter, but without our results from the slaughter samples, they can't process the meat and thus production would come to a halt. But the last time I went to work, there wasn't much of a picket line on our side which makes more sense.

I'm putting off driving home. I don't want to go. But I know I don't have that much longer so it isn't nearly as bad as it was before. Anyhow... life calls or at least life's little errands call. So until next time- Happy Trails!

State: Meh...

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