Friday, August 15, 2003

I bought new glasses today! They are super cool... and very different from what I have now. I pick them up tomorrow morning. I bought sunglasses too... I'm almost more excited about those...

I was supposed to go to my friend's pool party tomorrow but my sister and her three kids are in from Swift Current and I'm seeing them instead. Unfortunately I couldn't convince them to go to the pool party... I haven't seen them in about two years. It doesn't feel like it's been that long but time sure flies.... and now my niece is 13. It's amazing. I used to calculate when I was 13 how old I'd be when she was finally thirteen. And I always thought it was soooo far away. But herre I am... 20 years old and she's 13. My nefew is 11 and my other niece is 9.... I can't wait to see them. They've probably changed a lot since the last time I saw them.

I could have gone to a party tonight but I didn't really feel like it. And I have to get up early tomorrow and although I'd "plan" not to stay late and "plan" not to drink it probably wouldn't happen and I'd get home at 3:00 in the morning and be dead tired. And then I'd have to get up at 8 and be all cheery with my relatives and I'd probably be more like a zombie.

Song of the day- Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley... I love this song soooo much.

No deep insights today as I didn't do a lot of thinking.... come to think of it... there probably won't be any tomorrow either. I won't have time to think....Well time to sign off... Peace to all and to all a goodnight....

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