Thursday, July 15, 2004

Okay so I guess it has been awhile since I last posted- but honestly I haven't really felt like it as of late. Right now all I do is work and occasionally see people so nothing too exciting is happening. On tuesday I went to see the Tea Party with Caitlin, which was fun even if we only met up with each other after the show. I hadn't seen her since Daley left for Toronto and that was a long time ago.

Tomorrow I am driving up to Edmonton with my mom to go look at places to live. To avoid living in another basement/ living far from to uni on the other side of the river I have decided to look into shared accomodation. I've decided that while it might not be the right time of year to find great rental properties it is the perfect time of year to look for shared accomodation. So far the houses sounds pretty nice as do the people, but I want to meet them all seeing as I am going to have to live with whoever it is I meet all year. What I am really looking forward to is not living in a basement !!!!! And I'm pretty sure I'll live closer than I did last year to the school which is also nice. Lets just hope my apartment hunting is successful. But I have a good feeling about this time... I actually have quite a few places to look at before even going up and they have all booked times with me. Last year everyone was like, "call when you get here." and then I never saw their place.

Anyhow... I'm going to wash and make my lunch and get ready for my busy, busy day. Oh and I don't know how many people read this but if anyone is looking for a job- we have some in my department at Heritage Park. Two girls quit on us yesterday- one because she found a new job- she's from our morning crew and the other (from the night crew) because- well I guess she couldn't hack it. Which I think is absurd. I mean if you can't endure Heritage Park, who hires pretty much anyone, than I don't know where you are going to find a job. I guess she didn't really want the job. So anyone not scared of working hard is looking for a job the hours are from 4-9 and go ahead and apply! I'm done my shameless pitch for people to come work with me. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer.

State: tired
Song: No sleep- Sam Roberts
Book: I just finished Children of Dune

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