Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I love spring. I realize Edmonton will most likely have another snowfall before the school year is out, but what is happening right now is very spring like and it makes me think that spring is here. I don't know what it is about spring, I think it is one of my favourite seasons. Spring and fall I guess would be my two favourite seasons. I guess I like them because they both have moderate temperatures, not too hot, and not too cold.

Spring always makes me feel so hopeful about the future, and while I'm walking to school taking it all in, I forget about all my worries for even just a little while. Maybe that is just the extra vitamin D that I am getting because it has been so amazingly sunny. Whatever it is, it feels nice.

Something I realized on one of these walks (I'm sure this isn't the first time I have realized this, but I seem to forget) is that although I have very real physical desires, what I am really looking for is love (or at least deep like to begin with). I think I forget this when my physical desires overrun my emotional desires. I'm looking for a connection (emotional first, physical later). I am confident that I will find the person out there somewhere. I'm not sure when, where or how, but that doesn't matter. I also realized the fact that I know exactly what I want has probably limited me. How you might ask? It limits me, and stops me from exploring completely unexpected and yet plausible possibilities.

Oh and I love climbing. It was amazing tackling stuff that I used to not be able to do. I want my own shoes... I want to climb more. The rush was amazing! I love bouldering too, but climbing the high walls is totally different. Bouldering is great for learning technique, and technique is something that really helps with climbing the high walls.

Sleep calls. Goodnight!

State: Amazing
Song: Anyway- Gavin DeGraw

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