Friday, September 02, 2005

I'll be tired to tomorrow, but it was worth it to see old friends. There is something about my high school friends that I can't get anywhere else. You have been through so much with them and not matter how much everyone changes or doesn't you still feel super comfortable around them. We tried to watch the fireworks from Michael's house on Cresent Rd. But apparently they weren't shooting the fireworks off the building like they said they would.

I feel a lot better now that I have made some concrete decisions about next year and this internship. I'm staying for another 4 months only because that is the easiest time to leave and still be eligible for my honors degree. So look out U of A, I return in January! According to the IIP co-ordinator if I can find a supervisor, my 499 can be done over the summer which would be ideal because then I would only have fall term of the following year to finish my degree. Although I am not happy about having to stay another 4 months, I can honestly see the end now so it makes it that much more bearable. I have even decided what classes I am taking in the Winter term already, I'm just in the process of trying to get registered into two of them. It wasn't that hard to decide- without having a 499 to deal with I decided I would take 420 and only 2 other courses. That way I have tons of time to spend on it which is ideal considering it is a lot of work. I'm also trying to get back into the Genetics and Ethics courses I managed to get into before I got my internship. I decided I still want to take it... So my returning term is all genetics which is honestly my first love. Microbiology is okay... but genetics is where it is at!

I'm so excited to come back to school it isn't even funny. That's what makes me think that it was the right decision to make. I know it is the right decision. I have the warm fuzzy- I just made the best decision of my life feeling. I should go to bed though. I have to drive back to Brooks before my 12 hour shift which should be fun. I think I will start a countdown until my internship is over!

And the countdown begins: 120 days, 23 hours and 9 minutes remaining!

State: content with my decision

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