Saturday, October 08, 2005

Christmas and Other Travesties of Nature

Ever since I moved out of the trailer park, I have been looking to increase the amount of kitchen stuff I have. It sucks trying to cook in a poorly equipped kitchen, especially when one is used to having pretty much everything you need to make something. I'm almost there- right now I am missing big bowls but this is only because I am picky and want a certain type.

So, this weekend my mom and I decided to scope out the shops to see what deals we could find. I bought an awesome salad spinner (yes, I actually use a salad spinner- wet lettuce is a pet-peeve of mine), got a good deal on a toaster oven (which are much more practical than a simple toaster because you can do so much with them) and even bought some cookie sheets. All and all- a good lot of purchases. What sickened me more than anything while shopping for these items is that I felt like it was two months later than it actually is because most of the stores have their CHRISTMAS STUFF OUT!!! Is it just me or are the stores trying to shove Christmas down our throats earlier and earlier? I have nothing against doing Christmas shopping early- but can you hold off on putting of your christmas displays until Halloween is over? There isn't even snow on the ground yet. I know why they probably do it. It is a psychological thing. If people see Christmas stuff, they will think about Christmas and start thinking- "Oh I should start my shopping." And thus might start shopping sooner for gifts and might therefore might spend more money(the stores are hoping).

My mom and I had a good thankgiving. I made my first totally from scratch pie and it turned out really good. Pie turns out to be not so bad to make. I watched Hockey Night in Canada tonight. It was nice to see Hockey back on TV again. It was weird before to see movie night in Canada.

I wish I had someone to talk to tonight. It's kind of late to be phoning anyone, I would if I knew I wouldn't be waking anyone up. I get I'm just having one of those nights where it would be nice to hear someone's voice.

Ryan and I have been "together" for 6 months as of today. I think that would mean more to me if I had actually spent a lot of those 6 months with him. But as it is with long distance relationships, I haven't. It's hard, especially when I visit and I really don't want to leave.

Working at a job you know wouldn't make you happy for the rest of your life gives you lots of time to think about what you might like to do. I'm really not sure, but I have been thinking of maybe becoming a teacher of some sort either at the High School or College or even maybe the University level. I really don't know what kind of job I would be happy doing- but I am starting to consider those as an option because I love it when my friends come to me and ask me to explain stuff to them and I love the challenge of trying to get them to understand.

Anyhow... I thought I had something deep and meaningful to say this time, but I don't. I guess it's not meant to come out tonight. Hope everyone else has a most Happy Thanksgiving!

State: Lonely (a common state as of late)
Countdown: 84 days, 0 hours and 12 minutes remaining

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