Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Strike

So maybe this is hitting fairly low on the news radar elsewhere, but here is it pretty big and serious. I just have a few opinions on the matter seeing as I am fairly directly involved even though I am not part of the union. They brought our people into it when they decided to put all the people wanting the cross the picket line on the property where the lab resides.

Because we are not union members we are required to go to work despite having no work to do. That will probably change soon as they have been able to get some people across the picket line into work on Tuesday and thus we will be returning to work tomorrow. What sucks is we have to cross the picket line too and suffer through all the name calling and abuse to go to work. I can tell that has not been fun at all. And honestly I don't think I should have to go through that to go to work. Tomorrow should be better because we are going in a van where they won't be able to see us. And when you get them to understand that you don't work for the packing plant, they seem to settle down; sometimes, it is hard to make them understand though.

I don't know why the union decided to strike without having a greater majority of people behind them. It almost defeats the purpose of a union. I mean a union is there to protect the workers against the company, but the only way they can do that is to provide a united front.

Anyhow... maybe I'll rant more later from the comfort of somewhere that is not Brooks. Until next time...

State: Opinionated

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