Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good Things

For all the bad that has happened to me in the past little while, some good was eventually going to have to come. The good thing that has come from this strike is that I get a little holiday. YAY! Instead of only being off for the weekend, I'm off until Wednesday. I'm thrilled really. I was planning on going up to Edmonton anyways, but this means that I can stay longer than I might have before! And when I get back- I work two days and I have another weekend off. Honestly, I couldn't be luckier!!!

I think is over for the people that are striking. I mean the plant is running now, probably doing about half as much work as they did before the strike (one shift) and they are no longer bringing the scabs into our parking lot. They aren't even busing the workers over anymore. They are letting them drive right into the plant. This makes sense in a lot of ways. It means that instead of having to cross the picket line 3 times to get workers in, they only have to cross once to get in and once to get out. The buses where to protect the workers, but when you have to cross a picket line to get to the proctection of a bus it really defeats the purpose of a bus. The only problem with this is that it kind of slows traffic on the Trans-Canada highway. But I don't care about that really- there is a lane for the people who aren't going to Lakeside and one going to the plant. I feel a lot safer going to work. While they still stop us for 5 minutes going in and out, there are no taunt, name calling or intimidation because they know that we aren't part of the union and so cannot strike. It is much, much nicer. I think that we still get stopped because we are essential to the running of the plant so slowing us down, slows the plant down.

Anyhow... that's all I really have to say right now. I think I will go write me some e-mails telling people I'm invading Edmonton!

State: happy as a lark

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