Sunday, April 03, 2005

I should be studying so I am going to make this quick. Well as quick as I can considering, there is just too much spinning around in my mind right now for me to concentrate on why we wash membranes with the solutions that we do.

Firstly, although I am excited that I managed to land an internship, there is that part of me that wants to stay here next year and just finish my degree. But as far as future career stuff, it is best that I go. It just kills me that the person she hired to also be a student there is such a prick. Not to mention he talks to me like I am an idiot. I don't think he likes me much either. But I understand why he got the position- he has the background with all of the courses he has taken. He of the "I'm not going to help you because university is competitive, and I don't want to give anyone an upper edge" variety. It is funny that he thinks that, because in every course that I have helped someone, they tend to help me back and I tend to do better than I would have if had just tried to learn it alone. He doesn't seem to understand that in the real world, no one ever really works alone. I've never had a job that was completely solitary. I mean, everyone may have their individual part, but usually it all comes together in the end to form a big part. Most jobs involve some sort of teamwork. Hopefully, he drops this whole competition attitude at work, because if he doesn't I might want to stab him with some dissecting forceps by the end of the year. I think we will be on different shifts after the first three months.

Secondly, my timing sucks. We will just leave it at that. Most of you who read this know what I am talking about.

Thirdly, I'm tired because of daylight saving time. I looked up why we do it though- it has something to do with saving energy. Which is cool, but it doesn't make me any less tired today. Here is a good website I found that is all about daylight saving time.

Fourthly, I noticed I start liking Edmonton again when it starts getting sunny again here. Maybe it's like seasonal affective depression disorder(SADD), except that it is Seasonal Dislike Edmonton Disorder (SDED for short). Because right now, I really like Edmonton.

Fifthly, I need to go to MEC for a new watch band.

Sixthly, I really don't have much else to say, but that I am just writing now to not go study.

Okay, okay... I'll go. Hope everyone has a nice day :)

State: Feeling very much like a good procrastinate...
Song: Rhapsody in Blue

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