Monday, April 04, 2005

So it is over. I've repressed the memory of it. I hope I got good results.

People think the person I like, likes me back. Apparently he never took his eyes off of me. Anyone who is a guy- does that mean anything? If only I was staying, something would happen. Maybe he is too good a person to start something with me now, knowing it will be even harder later. Maybe I want that... I haven't liked anyone this much in a long time and maybe I am just ready to get my heart broken again. Not that anyone's really ready for that... I'm ready for the good stuff that comes before that.

Does anyone believe that we are just meant to meet certain people? People, that for some reason or another you have an instant connection. Take my friend (and roommate from last year) Lindsay, we hit it off from the moment we met each other. It was like I could tell her anything and she would understand. Most of the time, it takes me awhile to get to that point with a person, but with her it has been instant. It is the same way with this guy. Normally, I hesitate before giving out my MSN/phone number. I didn't with him. Normally, I have trouble opening up to guys I barely know. Not him... ugh! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

State: Torn
Song: What Would Happen- Meredith Brooks

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