Saturday, October 11, 2003

Wow... I seem to have gotten myself into the wonderful world of cramming once again. Why do I do this to myself? I want to cry because I'm so far behind, but that will do nothing. Last year I wouldn't have cared this much, but these courses matter to me. Why have I done nothing all week? Where did my week go? Alas... I cannot answer these questions.

I've been hiding, and in fact I still am. I've put up a wall, one that probably won't come down anytime soon. I built it strong, so that I couldn't be hurt again. I'd like to take it down- take my chances with the world again, but I'm so scared I'll be hurt again. I know, though, the greatest risks taken in life are often the most rewarding experiences. Not that I have any specific risks right now. Generally though, I am scared to put myself out there when it comes to relationships. I also generally try and bury myself in my schoolwork to forget about stuff like this. I guess that should work well for the time being seeing as I have so much.

Happy to be having turkey tomorrow...

Unhappy about the state of my school will be a wonder if I sleep tonight.

I guess I'll go try...

oh yeah... song of the night: Save Me- Aimee Mann... in fact I feel like listening to a whackload more of Aimee Mann music... she's awesome for my mood.

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