Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Okay... I can't write much right now because I am going to class in like 5 minutes.... well leaving for school. But I think I may have had a HUGE HUGE HUGE revelation last night. Thanks to my wonderful safewalk partner.

It was one of those magical sort of nights. Northern Lights dancing above, six bunnies, hanging out in Quad.

Lets just say a huge light bulb went off in my head and I think I will be happier from now on. Light bulbs can be kind of annoying, as I didn't really sleep last night. My revelation indiced a sort of insomnia. Hopefully, I am able to sleep tonight!

I will tell the WHOLE story... when I get home.

For now you will just have to wait :)

State: Still excited... sort of annoyed I couldn't sleep
Song:I'm too excited for a song...

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