Sunday, March 07, 2004

So, it has been a long time since I have written anything on here. Not because I haven't had anything to say, but more because I haven't really felt like typing stuff out. I'm been letting the thoughts stew in my head. I might continue to let them stew.

I'm not sure I want to sell my soul to the gods of genetics. As my roommate always says... "You are supposed to like it." Yeah... I know... but the more I learn the less I seem to want to. I do like my eukaryotic genetics course although it is kinda weird and I never know quite what I need to know... but it is interesting. I don't really like bacterial genetics that much. Or at least it doesn't feel like I like it. I'm not even sure anymore. Oh well... I hate talking about this stuff it's stupid and I wish I could just make up my mind.

I saw the Barbarian Invasions last night. It was really good but very very sad. the kind of movie where you have to hold back the sobbing. And it was educational- I now know what a blowjob is in french.

Right now I am working on my lab report that is due in a little less than two weeks. Yes, that's right it isn't due tomorrow and I am working on it. And it is coming along quite well. I'm planning on finishing it today. Or at least the rough draft.

I had more to talk about but I can't remember what it is anymore. I was feeling very philosophical earlier today. But I guess that passed. Darn.

State: Off...
Song: No Sleep - Sam Roberts

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