Monday, September 27, 2004

Okay... so I have been looking into possibilities for after I have graduated from this degree, what I can tell for sure is I'll definately be in school for at least another year after I graduate. Which is fine. I'm looking into being a Clinical Genetics Technologist. But once again I have picked something for which there are very few programs in Canada. The only thing I have going for me is my degree is very specialized and will likely help my chances of getting in, and my marks will likely be more than high enough for admission. This job pays pretty almost as much as genetic couselling which is cool.... mind you I'm still unsure of whether I want to work in any sort of lab setting. I mean I always did enjoy microlabs.... but we shall see after I do genet 375.

Oh the programs are both 13-18 months long- one is at BCIT and the other is at this school in TO at Michener Institute for Applied Health Technologies.... so they are both definate possibities.

So I really need to make some plan of action as far as my courses go, or I am not going to get the grades I want in my courses.

Anyhow... I'm boring the shit out of myself with this post so I think I'll just leave it at this and say ciau for now.

State: High UNmotivated

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