Thursday, September 16, 2004

So I guess a lot has happened since I last posted. So I have no choice but to give a brief play by play of the last couple of weeks. Well I guess I do have a choice... but that's what I kind of feel like doing, so here I go.

The begining: was orientation. To make a long story short: four days of all out school pride, cheering and fun to welcome the new students. But honestly, I think the OL's have more fun than the new students. At least I had more fun than when I went to orientation. My team of OL's were called the Trojans- our cheer was the following: Trojans we are really rad, like the movie starring Brad. All I can say is that I think I went through withdrawal after. Cheering is like a drug, and in four days I became addicted.

Next, school started. My fav class BY FAR is my genetics 301 class. I didn't think it would be, but amazingly enough I actually find mitochondria really facinating. I've been doing lots of journal article reading for that class. Not the easiest stuff to read either. I really think science people should have to take grammar/concise writing courses, because the wording in tons of these papers is REALLY confusing.

After my thursday classes (last thursday that is), I ditched Edmonton and went to Vancouver. Whilst in Vancouver, I saw the most amazing concert I have seen to date. That is the Sarah McLaughlan concert. Man, she sounds exactly the same in concert, if not better, than she does on CD. The next day was spent at ikea and at the Capilano suspension bridge. After that we went for all you can eat Sushi. I fell in love with Spicy Tuna Shasimi or however you spell it.

Then it was school again... so far I think I am doing a decent job of keeping up in all my classes. It is actually amazing how much work I already have, but I guess that is to be expected- not being in first/second year anymore. I also don't feel like a science student anymore. Not having labs and all. Its so.... weird. Mind you I have more than enough journal articles to fill all that free time with.

I did my first safewalk shift. It was fun.

Anyhow... I think I will head off to bed- Lindsay is coming tomorrow and I want to be well rested.

State: Happy
Book: In a Sunburned Country- Bill Bryson

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