Sunday, September 26, 2004

So I was just sitting here thinking.... I don't think I got much done today. But I was less tired than I was yesterday... and a lot less focused. lol Funny how that works.

I even had to whole house to myself.... so no people to distract me.

I still managed to distract myself by baking cookies and cooking food.

I wanted to talk about more important things but nothing I was thinking about earlier comes to mind.

I guess you could say I am kind of lonely. I no longer have a live-in best friend, so that is a little rough. It's hard to feel truly alone when you live with one of your best friends. Last year, whenever something was bugging me, I'd just chat to Lindsay about it and she'd help me get back to work or help me come to a solution so that I could keep working.

Or if Lindsay wasn't around, or I had exhausted that resource, I could just go take a walk with Daley and he'd just listen to me complain. Or I'd listen to him complain. One of the two... or both.

I guess now I can just complain on here... and yeah.

Anyhow... I need to get to bed. I have a quiz tomorrow. yay first test of the year. I don't know why I am so worried. I studied way more for it than I did for my first midterms in University (ie- First Year) and it is worth about the same. I guess I just really want to do well. I want my 3.5 average this year... I will get it. I was so close last year....

State: tired... so why am I not in bed yet?

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