Sunday, February 29, 2004

Hmmm... I just watched American Beauty. That movie never ceases to amaze me. Every time I watch it, I see something that I didn't see the last time. I always feel better about life after watching that movie.

I'm half-way caught up on my Wall of Work... which was, of course, cause for celebration. Lindsay and I walked to Safeway and picked ourself up some ice cream. Some Hagen Daaz ice cream to be precise. And you know what I found out tonight that really shocked me? There is no GST on ice cream. So I guess the canadian government deams ice cream to be a necessity. Well good on them. Too bad they don't consider feminine products necessary.

I don't really have much to say other than, I was pretty happy today. For the first time in a long time, I was happy sitting down reading my boring textbooks. And you know what, they weren't even that boring. For the first time in a long time, things feel right in my life. And that feel good.

State: Contented
Song: Dancing Bag Song- American Beauty

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