Friday, November 28, 2003

It feels like thursday- probably because I spent the day studying and tomorrow will not feel like a weekend day because of THE EXAM. And then Sunday will feel like saturday and Monday will feel like Sunday but wrong and I'll get to do the exam thing all over again. I feel like jelly. Think it might be the studying. mmmm bed mmmm. Not sure if I'll remember all I need to know. Hope my math skills (what little ones I have) don't fail me. I'm feeling kinda woosy, like I have been drinking. It's actually quite pleasant. Too bad the time before this was spent in a library with a bunch of wannabe doctors cuddled up to my genetics lab manual. My genetics book and I connected tonight. Wow I just typed that witt my eyes closed. Feeling this calm the night before an exam feels odd. And I sound strangely stoned. woah. Hopefully all goes well in exam land tomorrow. The question is: Have I prepared enough to go to exam heaven for three hours or will I be sent to exam hell with all the rest of the folk who failed to prepare themselves for the thing commonly known as : THE GENETICS LAB EXAM?

stay tuned until saturday aka the "real" friday of my week to find out the fate of Lisa vs. the evil GENETICS LAB EXAM...

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