Monday, November 24, 2003

Well today shall be a busy one. I'm not liking this state of not knowing. This state of uncertainty. My only comfort is that everyone I know seems to have gone through this at some point, and really that isn't conforting at all.

I'm going to see the psych advisor today. I'm looking into switching out of science. It's something that actually scares me. I've been confortable with my decision to become a genetic counsellor for so long the prospect of doing something else is really scary. At the same time- so is the prospect of continuing on in biology and having to do a research project that I'm not sure, even after another year at university, that I'll be able to do. So that's where I stand right now...

You see, I'm not confident that I don't like what I am doing right now. I might like it... I'm really not sure... I'm not even sure that I really like psych. I either like it the same or equal or i don't know.

Anyhow I'm going to see the advisor just to see how much doing this year and a half in bio will put me back- if at all.

Okay... I'm going to stop rambling now. And get my butt to school so I can start working for the day :)

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