Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Okay I'm not liking this furnace not working business. Ugh... the pilot light keeps going out which result in cold air being blown throughout the house.

I had a good day though. I've found a study strategy that works for me so I think I'll stick to it. That is if I can get to bed early enough every night to do so.
I guess what inspired me to change my sleeping habits and my study habits for that matter was my complete lack of motivation in the area of homework and stuff of the like. So what I have come up with is the strategy of ~get this~: STUDYING AT SCHOOL! lol I don't think it is a new one... I'm far too distracted here by my computer and by homework that I essentially get nothing done.

So yeah... being far more productive in the mornings I have decided I will start to utilize my morning hours by getting up earlier and going to bed earlier.

Well I think I'll go and try and be as productive as I can in this cold place... and keep watching for my landlord's car. Hopefully he comes home soon...

Song: Learning How To Smile- Everclear
Mood: pretty good :)
physical state: cold as an ice cube :-/

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