Saturday, November 01, 2003

Okay... well not much to say. Had an awesome night of movie watching last night.

Actually, Halloween turned out to be a pretty good day. Went out to Boston Pizza with Daley in the afternoon and then we hung out for awhile.

Finally got the furnace fixed so I have a warm house now. Watched Bend it Like Beckham and How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days and I highly recommend both.

I actually stayed up until 3:40 am talking with Lindsay and that was cool... except now I am ULTRA TIRED!

But my anthro readings call... because today is the day I have a date with my textbooks!

I added comments to this if anyone cares or even reads this. hehehe I don't care either way- but if someone does acutally read this and feels like replying then they have a way to!

Okay... back to work...

Mood: meh... motivationless as far as studying goes
Song: Les jours tristes (Amélie Soundtrack)

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