Sunday, November 30, 2003

Silly Quiz time again :)

You have a dominant kiss- you take charge and make
sure your partner can feel it! Done artfully,
it can be very satisfactory if he/she is into
you playing the dominant role MEORW!

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's funny, but probably true... not that I've been kissing anyone lately but if I was... I think I'll stop there.

As I never get much done here, I'm off to the library for some one-on-one action with my anthropology notes and my microbiology lab manual. It looks like it's going to be another hot day with the school books ;)

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Okay- so the big bad genetics lab exam wasn't so big or so bad. I think it might have even gone well. But I won't go so far as saying that because it might curse it or something. Or maybe I was writing the wrong answers... hahaha wouldn't that be great? or not... ha.

I'm so out of it... it's like body or mind is saying, "Woah, WTF?"

Maybe it's the nuclear winter of the mind and I'm Australia. haha not quite and if you don't know what I am talking about- visit the End of the World link.

Okay... I'm getting microbiology read to me so will end this here.

State: Mentally and physically exhausted
Song: Glass Vase Cello Case -Tattle Tale

Friday, November 28, 2003

It feels like thursday- probably because I spent the day studying and tomorrow will not feel like a weekend day because of THE EXAM. And then Sunday will feel like saturday and Monday will feel like Sunday but wrong and I'll get to do the exam thing all over again. I feel like jelly. Think it might be the studying. mmmm bed mmmm. Not sure if I'll remember all I need to know. Hope my math skills (what little ones I have) don't fail me. I'm feeling kinda woosy, like I have been drinking. It's actually quite pleasant. Too bad the time before this was spent in a library with a bunch of wannabe doctors cuddled up to my genetics lab manual. My genetics book and I connected tonight. Wow I just typed that witt my eyes closed. Feeling this calm the night before an exam feels odd. And I sound strangely stoned. woah. Hopefully all goes well in exam land tomorrow. The question is: Have I prepared enough to go to exam heaven for three hours or will I be sent to exam hell with all the rest of the folk who failed to prepare themselves for the thing commonly known as : THE GENETICS LAB EXAM?

stay tuned until saturday aka the "real" friday of my week to find out the fate of Lisa vs. the evil GENETICS LAB EXAM...

Thursday, November 27, 2003

So I went into see what I got wrong on my psych midterm. It was kinda funny actually. I knew the answers to three of the questions I got wrong but somehow picked the wrong one. And then the others were all pretty obvious as well.

And I had my last lab ever with my TA who doesn't speak english. In some ways, I felt really bad for him a lot of the time. And he was so cute today saying his goodbyes to us. He said that we probably weren't lucky to have him as a TA but that he was sure lucky to have us. And then he laughed and said he probably should have said that before the TA evaluations. I feel bad and I think I'll go to his review session- providing it is just an opportunity to get questions answered. I might just work in the room and ask questions if I need to.

And I still don't know what I want to do with my life... but I'm wondering if anyone does really?

All I really want is simple: A job that satisfies me, someone to share my life with and to have good times with my friends and family. Is this really too much to ask?

And I wish I could get rid of the tension in my back.... damn stress all goes straight to my back... I wish I could have a back massage :)

I have three exams in the next five days so I'd better get back to studying. As usual...

mood: tense, very, very tense and oddly hyper- maybe I am just going crazy?
song: Rainy Days- Guster and Sick Cycle Carousel- Lifehouse

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

hehehe.. this made me laugh although I don't really agree with the reason or anything but I liked the picture so yeah... what am I talking about? the results to my lastest bout of quiz taking :)

You like it fast and strong and you drink for one reason: to get piss-ass drunk!
Congratulations!! You're a shot of some good old
hard liquor!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

anyhow more studying to do than I have time... until next time adios :)

Monday, November 24, 2003

Well today shall be a busy one. I'm not liking this state of not knowing. This state of uncertainty. My only comfort is that everyone I know seems to have gone through this at some point, and really that isn't conforting at all.

I'm going to see the psych advisor today. I'm looking into switching out of science. It's something that actually scares me. I've been confortable with my decision to become a genetic counsellor for so long the prospect of doing something else is really scary. At the same time- so is the prospect of continuing on in biology and having to do a research project that I'm not sure, even after another year at university, that I'll be able to do. So that's where I stand right now...

You see, I'm not confident that I don't like what I am doing right now. I might like it... I'm really not sure... I'm not even sure that I really like psych. I either like it the same or equal or i don't know.

Anyhow I'm going to see the advisor just to see how much doing this year and a half in bio will put me back- if at all.

Okay... I'm going to stop rambling now. And get my butt to school so I can start working for the day :)

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Okay it's that time of the week again... What time you ask? QUIZ TIME! I'm not sure I agree with my answer- but I'm happy I am the green tic tac!

You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

not much to say...
song: Mr. Sandman- The Chordettes
mood: pretty good
activity: reading, reading and some more reading :)

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Okay, so I still don't know what I want to do... but I have to get through this semester. I always knew that there was a possibility of not being totally enthused with the degree that I have decided to persue... but I'm not sure if I'm unenthused or if I am just burnt out.

hmmm that is the question...

but I also don't have time to think about all this... gobs of homework await. And I mean gobs.

Song: It's not going to stop- Aimee Mann
Mood: oddly happy despite my state of confusion

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Okay... so I switched my schedule around for next semester... I think i like it better like this. hmm who knows- I guess I will see :)

I think some of my not knowing what to do may be due to the fact I am super burnt out right now. Which mean I have no desire to study.

On the other hand- I want to pass my biochem exam so I am going to get back to studying... :-P

Monday, November 17, 2003

Okay the resolution on this school computer is horrible, but I guess I will blog anyhow. Resolution does not impede typing it mere creates an eye-sore.

Okay- so I am highly confused. Highly. I'm starting to question what I want to do with my life. I don't know really... I hate this feeling. I hate not knowing... I need to make up my mind though or else I'll be wasting my time and money here at university. I know what I don't want to do. I guess that is a start. I've always known mostly want I don't want to do- it has never relaly been a problem for me. Picking between all of the things I am interested in and do want to do IS a big problem.

Okay- I still like science and I am enjoying my courses well enough- but I'm not sure I'm as passionate as I would think I should be about some of the stuff that I am studying. What I am getting at is that I am not sure I even really want to do a degree in genetics anymore. sigh... which was the whole big plan- but plans often don't work out the way you want them to. I like my genetics course and I think it is really cool- but I'm not sure I really care enough about it to do it in the detail my degree is going to require me to. I enjoy medelian genetics quite a bit and the molecular basis for in hereitance in human and stuff- all the really cool stuff. What I am not so hot on is a lot of the molecular stuff that we do... I don't think I'd really want to do research in it or anything like that. But that doesn't rule out genetic counselling which I still think I'd like a lot. The thing is- I have to get through all that stuff I don't like to have a degree so that I can even be eligible to apply for genetic counselling. There is a possibility that I won't even get accepted into one the three school that offer genetic counselling in Canada- which means I have to look elsewhere for school- like the states. And that is sure to burn a HUGE hole in my pocket. And then if I don't get into that I have start thinking of other career possibilities or be that person with two degrees that works at McDonald's.

Or I could drop the whole genetics degree thing- and just go for something entirely different - like psych or something. Which would probably make me insanely happy for awhile as all I would have to take in the next two years are tons of psych courses and tons of arts courses. But then I run into the same problem of not knowing what to do with the psych degree... I don't want to be a counsellor. ( Unless it involves genetics... haha) I was thinking psych research could be cool- I'll be in school for the next little while though - you know master's degree, then PhD, then post doctoral fellowship and then I'd probably end up being a psych prof because more researchers are professors unless you work for a private company. I have been less than successful in finding a master's program in something that combines genetics and psychology because that is what I am really interested in. I guess I'll continue my search for the illusive, non-existant graduate program and talk to my professors in the meantime and see what they think.

Or I could just get my science degree and then get an education degree and be a high school science teacher. I'd enjoy that... Except then I'd probably have to take physics and calculus (shudder).

I was also thinking of getting my degree in Medical Laboratory Science... it sounds pretty cool- but I'm not sure that it is really what I want. I have the marks to get in and I do enjoy that type of lab stuff... hmmm. I hate that I am interested in so many different things and that I can't seem to decide what it is I want to do...

Or I could hang out in the buisness building or dentistry pharmacy or medical science building and pick me up a future doctor and get married and have babies... j/k

If anyone out there reading this has any advice that would be great... if not so be it. I think I will end my longest blog entry ever and get back to work as I have a quiz in microbiology tomorrow morning and I have my last biochem midterm on wednesday. Until next time...

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I took yet another quiz... this one a little odd- but I love Jack Sparrow so I couldn't resist.
jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Break time over... biochem awaits ;)
Okay- procrastinating hard-core just took another useless quiz... I'm not sure I agree with the outcome but here it is:
Lord of the Rings!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I guess I should get back to work...

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Hmmm earlier I had tons to write about. Oh yes now I remember. Okay I am really annoyed... I haven't been sleeping well since I got back. It's horrible. Last night I woke up almost every hour... I was too hot most of the night. I going to try and go to bed early tonight- like 10:30 something like that.

And for something completely different: I'm so excited about the new Harry Potter Movie... that comes out months from now. The Trailer came out a few days ago.

I was fascinated by the quiz Daley had done on his blog as I study biological molecules- well all the time. Especially right now... but that is another story. So I took the quiz and I was pleasantly surprised by my result as I am a genetics major. It made me laugh.

You are DNA. You're a smart person, and you appear
incredibly complex to people who don't know
you. You're incomparably full of information,
and most of it is useless.

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anyhow- speaking of biological molecules I should get back to work... I have a biochem midterm on Wednesday that I am sooo not ready for.

No songs lately- no time to listen to music...
Mood: Kinda concerned about the possibility of failure in biochem...

Friday, November 14, 2003

I decided I really miss my friends.They are truly irreplaceable and unfourtunately scattered throughout the country.

Maybe that is the missing link...


And I wish I was done copying out lindsay's notes so I can go to bed.... sigh mmmm sleep mmmm

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Well after a wonderful five days with my friends in Victoria it is hard not to be bummed out. Really hard.

I spent the day doing biochemistry homework and I am hoping that some of the information when in because I really, really need to pass the midterm. Sigh... I wish I weren't so bummed out- then I might feel like doing homework more. But alas it is not so...

Maybe I should start by talking about my wonderful five days and maybe that will make me feel better. We can always hope. Okay- well Friday involved some visiting and watching half of a movie I fell asleep during so naturally I don't remember the name of the movie. We were awoken bright and early by Rachel and Craig... (7:00 am or something ridiculus like that) and that saturday morning was spent eating and lounging waiting to go hiking. Around 1 pm we headed out to our hike down to mystic beach. It was gorgeous but unfourtunately the sun sets early during the winter and we headed back home. Cornflake chicken was eaten and then we headed out for a night of dancing.

Sunday- we awoke early once again so that we could go kayaking. we spend a beatiful sunny afternoon on the ocean kayaking from Oak Bay to Cordova Bay. That night was spent making pasta- which for the most part turned out pretty good. A movie was possibly watched that night as well.... i can't remember.

Monday- finally we sleep in... had a late breakfast and then went for lunch at La Fiesta and shopping downtown. It was quite fun. I believe monday was roast night and also the night we watched the matrix. I slept through that as well. That was also the night I stuck my tongue out in my sleep... or whatever you might call what I did to Roy and Jane.

Tuesday - another glorious sleepin day... spent most of the day lounging around and I tried to get Rachel to love biology. I'm not sure if I suceeded, but I can always hope. Went out for supper at earls that night and we watched Legally Blond 2 that night and Pirates of the Carribean. I slept through most of pirates... although I do love that movie. My last night sleeping with Roy- and wednesday was also spent lounging and eating insane amounts of pancakes and hotdogs :)

and then I travelled back to my hovel... and cried :(

So that was my weekend. Hopefully my spirits brighten before too long because I'm not sure I can stand this state for much longer.

This weekend, I guess it just made me realize how much I value my friends. And how much I really do miss them. sigh... well I should go do some homework...or eat or do something...

Until next time...

Friday, November 07, 2003

In victoria right now... I'm tired but reallly hyper :)

And I got a busary from the school... how cool is that?

gotta love the free money :)

anyhow I should stop being antisocial :)

goodnight to all...

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Okay I'm not liking this furnace not working business. Ugh... the pilot light keeps going out which result in cold air being blown throughout the house.

I had a good day though. I've found a study strategy that works for me so I think I'll stick to it. That is if I can get to bed early enough every night to do so.
I guess what inspired me to change my sleeping habits and my study habits for that matter was my complete lack of motivation in the area of homework and stuff of the like. So what I have come up with is the strategy of ~get this~: STUDYING AT SCHOOL! lol I don't think it is a new one... I'm far too distracted here by my computer and by homework that I essentially get nothing done.

So yeah... being far more productive in the mornings I have decided I will start to utilize my morning hours by getting up earlier and going to bed earlier.

Well I think I'll go and try and be as productive as I can in this cold place... and keep watching for my landlord's car. Hopefully he comes home soon...

Song: Learning How To Smile- Everclear
Mood: pretty good :)
physical state: cold as an ice cube :-/

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Hmm what to say... I wanted to blog something but I seem to have nothing to write.

I'm excited about going to Victoria. I don't know, I guess I have plenty of inner brooding or thoughts or feeling or a mix of all of those! Maybe I just don't feel like sharing. I don't know... I guess it might be because I don't want to admit that I am feeling the way I do. I was a lot more motivated today.

I guess the simple truth is I'm lonely. Not in the "I need some friends way."I have plenty of wonderful friends that mean a lot to me. In that I'd like to find a significant other to share stuff with... and I guess the only way I'll meet one of those is by putting myself out there. At the same time, it is a huge risk. And I guess I haven't met anyone lately that I am willing to risk myself for. I'm not actually sure what I mean by risk... but I think what I mean is the risk of getting hurt. yes that's it... But then again maybe I don't know if they are worth the risk because I haven't gotten to know them well enough. hmm it's a huge vicious circle in my mind.

Oh well... I don't like talking about it. As far as I am concerned I shouldn't even be lonely in the first place. I want to be okay with being by myself. And maybe this is just a product of being alone for many years. I'm pretty sure that might be part of it. Part of the craving for companionship.Hmm I guess the faster I get used to feeling like this the better... either that or actually do something about it, which I probably won't because I'm silly like that.

Tomorrow I have my anthro midterm and I don't think I am ready. But i don't think I'll ever feel ready as it is anthropology and I never seem to feel ready for those exams and surprisingly still manage to do well.

Time to hit the sack....

Until next time...

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Okay... well not much to say. Had an awesome night of movie watching last night.

Actually, Halloween turned out to be a pretty good day. Went out to Boston Pizza with Daley in the afternoon and then we hung out for awhile.

Finally got the furnace fixed so I have a warm house now. Watched Bend it Like Beckham and How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days and I highly recommend both.

I actually stayed up until 3:40 am talking with Lindsay and that was cool... except now I am ULTRA TIRED!

But my anthro readings call... because today is the day I have a date with my textbooks!

I added comments to this if anyone cares or even reads this. hehehe I don't care either way- but if someone does acutally read this and feels like replying then they have a way to!

Okay... back to work...

Mood: meh... motivationless as far as studying goes
Song: Les jours tristes (Amélie Soundtrack)