Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I was thinking about this on my way to school, and surprisingly I haven't forgotten about it. It is nothing too earth shattering. Something I've just been in denial about because I happen to not enjoy it. What is this thing I speak of? Well, it is actually a subject. I know they always tell you how important math is, but you don't think about that when you are taking an abstract math class. I mean it is hard for me, someone who doesn't like numbers, to make the link between some of the abstract math you learn in school, to stuff that actually matters to me. I'm sure I'm not the only one. For those of us out there that have trouble with math, I think a lot of us have problems with just doing math for the math's sake.

I don't know I guess I rediscovered a tiny place in my heart or maybe my mind for math. I know that sounds really really corny, but ever since I took Linear Algebra, me and math haven't really been on speaking terms. But this term, two of my courses are a little more math based than anything I have taken since first year. Simple math, mind you which could be a big part in why I enjoy it. It made me realize also that almost every useful piece of math knowledge I learned in grade 8. I mean, simple algebra will get you far in life. I even used it in cooking the other day. I guess the other most useful piece of math/chemistry info I learned in grade 12 was unit analysis. Never needed to memorize another formula again.

So I'm not sure why I just spent this entry writing about math, but it seems important, and I honestly wish I had taken calculus because I feel so out of the math loop. My reason for not liking math is stupid really and I should get over it. Although it is frustrating when you make stupid mistakes like switching numbers (ie- 69 becomes 96 or any 6 becomes a 9)because often I'll understand the concept and then still get the wrong answers, so I think I'm doing it wrong but its really because of my tendency to switch numbers. grrr... I'd love to know why I think 6 and then write 9 when I am not paying attention. I've done this as long as I can remember. I almost always catch it though. That and switching b's and d's.

Well, I think I've rambled/wasted enough time so I will get back to my population genetics studying.

State: Decent
Song: Hey Pretty- Poe

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