Friday, February 04, 2005

Yesterday, I was trying to find a glass to put some tea in and one of the ones I pulled out had, get this, fruit fly pupae cases on them. I never thought I'd ever see those outside of my lab. It grossed me out to say the least. I put it on the counter to see if people would notice, but no one did. They just loaded the glass into the dishwasher and ran the dishwasher last night. It now has occurred to me, that they might not know what fruit fly pupae look like and for that I do not blame them. I realize it takes a pretty big geeks to be like, "Oh there are some fruit fly pupae cases." Anyhow back to the story...

I'm unloading the dishwasher today, and because our dishwasher sucks, I wanted to see if it managed to get the glass clean. Lo and behold, there were still pupae cases stuck to the side of the glass. I decided right then and there that I was fed up with searching though the cupboard for a clean glass. So I took all of the glasses I felt had enough baked on fruit to possibly grow some more flies on them (even though I probably didn't dirty them to that extent) and gave them one of the best scrubbings they've probably seen all year. So mom isn't lying to you when she says its so dirty there are probably bug growing. (she used to say that to get me to clean my room) Apparently, our glasses were so dirty there were flies growing on them. And that my friends is really, really gross.

I think I had something deep and meaningful to say. But it got scared out of me by seeing stuff I would have preferred to only ever see in the lab, on glasses that I drink water from.

State: grossed out, but good
Song: I don't wanna be- Gavin DeGraw

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