Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Okay I did something totally out of character and what I consider to be something really stupid last night. But as of right now, I don't regret a moment of my time not spent studying. Why? Because I feel so much more focused now. I'm not sure if it is focus so much as panic but I'll take what I can get. The truth of the matter is I've studied more for more exam from about 1:00 am until now than I have all week for my midterm. And at the rate I was going, I wasn't going to study at all. And that would have been really horrible.

So you are probably all wondering what this stupid thing Lisa did was? Well, if you really want to know. After having a particularly horrible horrible lab where I ended up counting a whole vial of flies TWICE, I decided, why not go out for a beer after my lab? The thing is... one beer turned into well seeing as only four of us went out after the lab and only three of us were drinking beer and three pitchers were bought and drank over the course of 3 hours... one beer turned into a pitcher. It was only when I was walking home (stumbled, whatever) that I noticed the drunkenness truly set in. It is funny, because the last time I was as drunk as I was last night was the night I went out with Jane and Eric and could barely walk home. Beer seems to have that effect on me. Moral of the story, if you want to see me drunk, don't give me tequila. Give me 3 pints of beer or a pitcher. I have to drink a lot more tequila to get to the same place. And I love the fact I feel very little hangover after drinking beer. Yay water content :)We decided that we should plan to go out on the Friday after our next lab, to be a little more responsible and so more people come. And we were thinking of inviting the thurs/fri lab too because they would be done their lab too.

And it was really nice to sit and talk about my field about people who are equally passionate. And I didn't feel like a big nerd or geek or like I was only talking about one thing all night. We talked about more than just genetics. We talked about our families, experiences etc. Apparently there are people in the other lab that come to lab stoned. Honestly, I have no clue how they could do one of our labs high, not to mention how dangerous that would be. I mean we work with HIGHLY mutagenic substances. I mean they would have to be to do the cool things they do to DNA. Sometimes, I can barely keep everything straight when I am sober. Then again, my results are half decent whereas theirs probably suck. So these are the things you learn when you go out for beer with the TA.

But I feel much more sober now that I have had a three hour nap. I've also studied a good hour of witchcraft and I am planning on going early tomorrow and studying more. (we'll see, depends on how fast I fall asleep) It is funny how doing something fun the night before a midterm makes you feel all focused and ready to study for it. Anyhow... I am going to sleep again for a little while and get up and study more.

Mood: pretty good right now
Song: Virus of the Mind- Heather Nova

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