Sunday, February 06, 2005

Today I am starting my top secret operation. Well tomorrow really... and I guess it really isn't top secret, because I am writing about it on here.

The operation involves:

1) Spending more time with people I do feel like I can become close friends with, and not spreading myself so thin. I'd rather have two or three really close friends than 5 or 6 superficial ones. I like having lots of friends and I'm always open to more, but at the same time I need to take this time to get to know the people I have already met. This includes keeping in better touch with my friends in places far from here.

2) Doing things I'm scared to do. Stepping out of my comfort zone or 'off the edge' as Daley put it in his comment. That kind of sounds like jumping off a cliff, but I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it like that. I need to vulnerabilize myself in order to completely be myself so that is what I am going to do.

3) Doing things because I want to do them. This is fairly self explanatory...

4) Having no regrets and being happy with the choices I have made.

5) Continue to have a good sense of humor regarding myself. I'm not sure why, but some of the most fun times I've ever had have been at the expense of myself. I enjoy laughing at myself. Life is too short too take everything seriously.

6) Develop better self-esteem. I think this will come with time and also from surrounding myself with supportive people. Although self-esteem is something one develops on their own, it doesn't hurt to have some people there to support you :)

I think that is all for now. I don't expect to have this all accomplished in a certain amount of time, more that it will be a lifestyle change. Only I can change the way I feel inside and I am the only one who can bring myself out of isolation.

State: not bad
Song: Breakaway- Kelly Clarkson

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