Saturday, January 24, 2004

Ahhh... I just had a great nap. I have actually discovered that while I sleep mostly on my right side it's more distributed equally between the two sides. This has resulted in my being unfulfilled in my sleep. I wake up somewhate stiff wish I could sleep on my other side. So just now I took a nap on the side that I got pierced. And it didn't really hurt. But I think that the contact with my conforter has made it bleed a little. Oh well.

Homework once again not going so hot. I just wonder where all my motivation has gone. I guess I have read over all my notes for my genetics class which is okay. But one always hopes to be more productive than one is.

Slightly more motivated after the nap, so I guess I will start the reading that I need to do for next week.

I'm kinda excited for tonight Lindsay and I are making crèpes!!! yum...When she wakes up I'll suggest going to the store.

My ecology book/ genetics articles call....

State: Unmotivated, but less so than before.
Song: Aside and Everything Must Go - The Weakerthans

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