Friday, January 30, 2004

So I didn't end up going to bed until midnight last night because I wanted to get my stuff ready for school so that I could get to school early and sign up for gym equipment. So now I am here early feeling like I should still be sleeping... I guess on the plus side, I get to go to my Ecology lab? Hmmm I really don't see any pluses to that.

Okay here is my bit on Ecology... a lot of the time it is actually interesting. And I think the class would be enjoyable if my prof wasn't a self-righteous ass. But whe he started talking about the multi-dimention hyperspace of niche breath, that's where I lost all respect I had for the guy. Who uses words like that to talk about Ecology? I think the guy honestly chose the wrong field. Or maybe I did... Maybe Daley's right, Physics would be more useful for the type of biology I am going into. Ecology, while I see it's importance on a global scale, just isn't important to me. I understand why I have to take it.... that doesn't mean I have to like it. I did try and like it. I gave it a month and I don't really like it anymore than I did before. I think I was just pretending to like it before. Kinda like biochem. I pretend to like that course to give myself the illusion that I actually care about it.

Okay, well enough ranting about ecology and school in general. I guess I should get to my lab where we will be studying interspecies competition. Ooooh I can't wait. Really.

State: Sleepy and cynical
Song: Kill me now- Adam Sandler

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