Monday, January 26, 2004

So today was one of those days where you always feel like you are forgetting something and you actually are but you can't put your finger on what you are missing. Kind of like Neville and the Rememberall- it's glowing red but you can't remember what you are forgetting.

Today it so happens that I forgot to count my Daphnia. If you are wondering what those are they are essentially water flees that live in ponds. I ended up skipping my Ecology class to go count them. And of course there were quite a few as they hadn't been counted since Friday.

To make matters worse, I have the feeling that I am getting sick and at one of the worst possible times. I feel very much like I have the flu. I'd go home, but I really wouldn't want to have an excused absence on my first shift of Safewalk. I'll just go home right after and eat some of our chicken soup and go to bed. Hopefully I can stop myself from getting sick.

Other than that, I guess I am starting to feel stressed about my midterms that are coming up next week. At least I get them over with in the begining of the week.

I wish I had some deeper thoughts right now,but my headache/body ache is rendering it very hard for me to actually think about anything so I'm not even going to try.

State: I feel like I've been run over by a Truck
Song: Where Is My Mind?- the pixies

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