Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I felt all motivated to work when I was at school and the feeling promptly left when I came home. Darn. I am determined to get that feeling back!!!

I really need to study biochem, but it really doesn't interest me to know much of anything about it other than to hear it once and say - well that is nice, moving on now. Genetics on the otherhand is not nearly as painful to study, but I still need to study it. I think I will devote tonight to biochem and maybe the latter part of this evening to finishing my stats assignment for my Ecology lab.

My first Safewalk shift was spent putting posters up inside and we walked one person to their car. This resulted in us being boiling hot as we were dressed to be outside. Oh well, such is life. I'm feeling better today, but I wish the furnace in my house wouldn't be so testy. It goes on all the time regardless of what temperature the thermostat is set at. I mean we have the thermostat set to 16 right now and it is boiling in my room... and I can't sleep in a hot room.

There is a mouse living in the hole place beside my window!!! He/she is sooo cute! Lindsay and I named him/her Legolas because it is a fairly gender neutral name and we gave the mouse some peanuts and a "blanket" a face cloth thing. He's come out for food a few times. Anyhow, as long as he isn't in our house I don't mind him living there.

As I haven't really delved deep in this entry it seems almost pointless to start now... I kinda wanted to. We were talking about stages of development in psych today, and I was kinda wondering where I fall as far as stages according to Ericson. I think I know who I am, but for all I know I still might be trying to figure that out. Apparently, in order to form meaningful relationship (which is the stage after finding out who you are) involves finding out who you are. I'm wondering if I have done that... hmmm I'm kinda thinking I have, but now the question is: Will I be able to form meaningful relationships? I'm not sure I believe the whole stage theory, but it certainly makes sense and also got me thinking at the early hour of 10 in the morning (I'm aware that isn't that early). Sigh... only time will tell :)

Anyhow, I'm really only avoiding the pain that is biochem. And it is a pain. So I think I will go and try to tackle the beast!

State: Tackling the BEAST! (I hope...)
Song: It's all understood- Jack Johnson

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