Saturday, January 24, 2004

I had I great time tonight at Theater Sports. I had been invited before but I figured I would take my school buddies up on the offer finally. Wow... improv is great.

The best was when I didn't realize how far they would go with this pants no pants thing. I mean, I totally wasn't expecting to see four guys drop their pants tonight. It was awesome. Not to mention they were talking about fire hoses and such when they dropped them for the first time.

When I got home, Lindsay and Daynika were still up and there were still warm cookies on the table. Mmmm chocolate chip cookies.

I am already not looking forward to the later part of today. Yuck homework and biochem. I sound like I am treating biochem as a seperate entity. Well it is.... a seperate evil entity.

And as I have Safewalk training on Sunday, I need to get as much homework done tomorrow as possible. Which basically means I should go to bed and sleep. And so I will.... to infinity and beyond!!!!!

State: Very Happy- Laughter is the best medicine!
Song: Theater Sports mix... which kinda sounds like music from about 3 years ago, music I recall listening to in Ricki's convertable.

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