Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I'm so mad right now. Fuck, I could kill my roommate right now. For the second night in a row she has had people over until ungodly hours of the night. I know I sound like an old biddy, but when you are trying to sleep so you can get up early to go to school and work having people play a loud game of cheat in the room next to you is not very pleasant. So I went to bed at 11:30 pm last night so I that I could be up by 7:00 and at school by eight and have a good 3 hours before class to work on my paper. But the nimrods in the next room saw to it that that didn't happen. I was nicely asleep by about 12:00 am... at 1:15 am they come crashing in, and I don't think they could have been any louder. Needless to say, I was awake from 1:15 until 4:00 am and I am writing this at home, because obviously I didn't make it up in time. I need to have stamina for staying up all night tonight...even though I said I wouldn't do that. You are probably thinking- well if they were up all night, why didn't you just stay up all night last night, and finish your paper. I don't know... lets just say it doesn't work that way.

Now that I am done my rant... I think i will head off to school. Hopefully I calm down a little, because I don't enjoy being this mad at people.

State: Tired and Mad because it isn't my fault.
song: World on Fire- Sarah McLachlan

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